Best Jewelry at the 2019 Critics’ Choice Awards – Part Two

AMY ADAMS: When we first laid eyes on her gown the look was so simple it skewed boring. Bring in the David Webb earrings and the look goes from bland to glam in a heartbeat.Amy Adams at the 2019 Critics' Choice AwardsAmy Adams at the 2019 Critics' Choice AwardsAmy Adams at the 2019 Critics' Choice Awards

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font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:550; line-height:18px;"> View this post on Instagram</div></div><div style="padding: 12.5% 0;"></div> <div style="display: flex; flex-direction: row; margin-bottom: 14px; align-items: center;"><div> <div style="background-color: #F4F4F4; border-radius: 50%; height: 12.5px; width: 12.5px; transform: translateX(0px) translateY(7px);"></div> <div style="background-color: #F4F4F4; height: 12.5px; transform: rotate(-45deg) translateX(3px) translateY(1px); width: 12.5px; flex-grow: 0; margin-right: 14px; margin-left: 2px;"></div> <div style="background-color: #F4F4F4; border-radius: 50%; height: 12.5px; width: 12.5px; transform: translateX(9px) translateY(-18px);"></div></div><div style="margin-left: 8px;"> <div style=" background-color: #F4F4F4; border-radius: 50%; flex-grow: 0; height: 20px; width: 20px;"></div> <div style=" width: 0; height: 0; border-top: 2px solid transparent; border-left: 6px solid #f4f4f4; border-bottom: 2px solid transparent; 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font-size:14px; line-height:17px; margin-bottom:0; margin-top:8px; overflow:hidden; padding:8px 0 7px; text-align:center; text-overflow:ellipsis; white-space:nowrap;">A post shared by <a href="" style=" color:#c9c8cd; font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; font-style:normal; font-weight:normal; line-height:17px;" target="_blank"> Robin Katz</a> (@rkjewels_) on <time style=" font-family:Arial,sans-serif; font-size:14px; line-height:17px;" datetime="2019-01-14T04:42:22+00:00">Jan 13, 2019 at 8:42pm PST</time></p></div></blockquote> <script async src="//"></script>CARRIE COON: The Sinner star took her LBD to new heights with her divine Deco fringe earrings, cobblestone bracelet, and rings from Fred Leighton.Carrie Coon at the 2019 Critics' Choice AwardsCarrie Coon at the 2019 Critics' Choice AwardsCarrie Coon at the 2019 Critics' Choice AwardsKRISTEN BELL: Like Amy, Kristen took her minimal blue dress and created a red carpet worthy look with her David Webb jewels.Kristen Bell at the 2019 Critics' Choice AwardsKristen Bell at the 2019 Critics' Choice AwardsKristen Bell at the 2019 Critics' Choice AwardsKristen Bell at the 2019 Critics' Choice AwardsJULIA ROBERTS: Hmmm is Julia a repeat offender with the pantsuit/ gown? Perhaps but we love how this time around the Pretty Woman went with a dramatic diamond choker and paired it with some statement rings from Messika Jewelry. Julia Roberts at the 2019 Critics' Choice AwardsJulia Roberts at the 2019 Critics' Choice AwardsMANDY MOORE: The ombre effect of Emmanuel Tarpin’s graduating oval diamond earrings created a cool color effect to Mandy’s all white ensemble. Mandy Moore at the 2019 Critics Choice AwardsMandy Moore at the 2019 Critics' Choice AwardsMandy Moore at the 2019 Critics Choice AwardsJODIE COMER: Jodie brought a refreshing jewelry look with her carved rock crystal and diamond Gingko leaf earrings by Silvia Furmanovich.Jodie Comer at the 2019 Critics' Choice AwardsJodie Comer at the 2019 Critics' Choice AwardsJodie Comer at the 2019 Critics' Choice AwardsOLIVIA MUNN: Olivia showed some major pearl power on last night’s blue carpet. We’ve fallen for her modern South Sea pearl and diamond earrings from State Property Jewelry.Olivia Munn at the 2019 Critics' Choice AwardsOlivia Munn at the 2019 Critics' Choice AwardsOlivia Munn at the 2019 Critics' Choice AwardsSANDRA OH: Sandra looked like she had fun with her jewelry picks at the Critics’ Choice Awards. Chrysoprase heart earrings and ring by Irene Neuwirth added an equal mix of sass and sweetness to her black and white look. Sandra Oh at the 2019 Critics' Choice AwardsSandra Oh at the 2019 Critics' Choice AwardsSandra Oh at the 2019 Critics' Choice AwardsNICOLE KIDMAN: Stacks of diamond Deco bracelets? Check! Fred Leighton jewels? Check! Would we have it any other way? Probably not that’s why we love Nicole and her jewelry style.Nicole Kidman at the 2019 Critics Choice AwardsNicole Kidman at the 2019 Critics Choice AwardsNicole Kidman at the 2019 Critics Choice AwardsREGINA KING: Colorful multi-gem and diamond earrings from Irene Neuwirth on Regina made for double the fun and sparkle on her ears.Regina King at 2019 Critics' Choice AwardsRegina King at 2019 Critics' Choice AwardsINDYA MOORE: Indya hit a style high note with her Grecian like gold jewels from Hueb, Marco Bicego and John Hardy jewelry.Indya Moore at the 2019 Critics' Choice AwardsIndya Moore at the 2019 Critics' Choice AwardsIndya Moore at the 2019 Critics' Choice AwardsHALEY LU RICHARDSON:  Five Feet Apart star combined her Irene Neuwirth earrings with a chunky gold and diamond buckle bracelet from D’Objets.Haley Lu Richardson at the 2019 Critics' Choice AwardsHaley Lu Richardson at the 2019 Critics' Choice AwardsHaley Lu Richardson at the 2019 Critics' Choice AwardsCATHERINE O’HARA:  Sleek in a suit the Schitt’s Creek star’s outfit popped with her choice of a bold red Babylon necklace from Lanvin. A fabulous substitute to the traditional bow tie.Catherine O'Hara at the 2019 Critics' Choice AwardCatherine O'Hara at the 2019 Critics' Choice AwardsSource: Getty Images

Best Jewelry at the Baby2Baby Gala – Part Two

KELLY ROWLAND: Kelly’s earrings are as dramatic as her black sequin ensemble. The singer stole the show with her cascade diamond mesh earrings by Lorraine Schwartz.Kelly Rowland at the 2018 baby2baby galaKelly Rowland at the 2018 baby2baby galaRACHEL ZOE: Rachel sure loves her David Webb jewels! The stylist to the stars piled on two David Webb gold and diamond statement necklaces and accented the look with gold and diamond door knocker earrings and statement ring. Rachel Zoe at the baby2baby gala 2018David webb jewelryRachel Zoe at the baby2baby gala 2018OLIVIA CULPO: What’s not to love about Olivia’s jewelry red carpet look? Dena Kemp marquis shaped diamond drop earrings with a diamond statement ring was all that was needed to make this look polished and perfect.Olivia Culpo at the 2018 baby2baby galaOlivia Culpo at the 2018 baby2baby galaOlivia Culpo at the 2018 baby2baby galaSHIRI APPLEBY: We’re so happy that Shiri decided to add a pop of color to her navy velvet ensemble with her bright fuchsia diamond and sapphire drop earrings from Anabela Chan.Shiri Appleby at the 2018 baby2baby galaAnabela chan Fuchsia sapphire earringsShiri Appleby at the 2018 baby2baby galaLAUREN CONRAD: We only wished that we had a close-up shot of Lauren Conrad’s celestial hairstyle! A sprinkling of gorgeous Lelet NY and Jennifer Behr crystal and pearl star hair accessories in the former Hills star’s hair made her red carpet look simply magical.Lauren Conrad at the baby2baby galaLauren Conrad at the baby2baby galaLauren Conrad at the baby2baby galaLauren Conrad at the baby2baby galaOLIVIA MUNN: Sara Weinstock, Effy Jewelry and Jewelry by EF Collection completed this fairy tale red carpet look from Olivia Munn.Olivia Munn at the 2018 baby2baby galaOlivia Munn at the 2018 baby2baby galaOlivia Munn at the 2018 baby2baby gala

Source: Getty Images

Best Jewelry at the 2018 MTV VMAs – Part Two

IGGY AZALEA: Dressed in Fausto Puglisi, the rapper went for a rocker chic look -giant gold cross hoop earrings and a Kallati ring included. Iggy Azalea at the 2018 MTV VMAsIggy Azalea at the 2018 MTV VMAsIggy Azalea at the 2018 MTV VMAsIggy Azalea at the 2018 MTV VMAsJENNIFER LOPEZ: The Video Vanguard Award winner in a silver liquid mesh Versace dress displayed an impressive array of diamond gems from Tiffany and Co. You can read all about her $2 million jewels at Vogue.comJennifer Lopez at the 2018 MTV VMAsTiffany and Co. diamond earringsTiffany and Co. diamond braceletTiffany and Co. diamond ringJennifer Lopez at the 2018 MTV VMAsANNA HENDRICK: The Pitch Perfect star wore a fantastic pair of carved pink quartz and opal drop earrings from Dana Rebecca Designs and accessorized with diamond bangles from Effy Jewelry. Anna Kendrick at the 2018 MTV VMAsAnna Kendrick at the 2018 MTV VMAsAnna Kendrick at the 2018 MTV VMAsAnna Kendrick at the 2018 MTV VMAsOLIVIA MUNN: Diamond necklaces from Kismet and Anita Ko graced Olivia Munn’s neck at the VMA red carpet. Yeprem and Kavant Sharart rings completed her look.Olivia Munn at the 2018 VMASOlivia Munn at the 2018 VMASOlivia Munn at the 2018 VMASOlivia Munn at the 2018 VMASOlivia Munn at the 2018 VMASKARLIE KLOSS: Karlie shimmered in a sexy Elie Saab Resort dress. The model glitz things up with a pair of diamond waterfall clip earrings from Wempe and an Art Deco inspired diamond bracelet from Sanjay Kasliwal.Karlie Kloss at the 2018 MTV VMAsWempe waterfall clip earringsSanjay Kasliwal diamond braceletAnna Kendrick at the 2018 MTV VMAsNICKI MINAJ: We expect some red carpet drama when it comes to Nicki. The rapper accepted the award for the Best Hip-Hop video for Chun-Li in a collection of diamond jewelry from Messika.Nicki Minaj at the 2018 MTV VMASNicki Minaj at the 2018 MTV VMASNicki Minaj at the 2018 MTV VMASNicki Minaj at the 2018 MTV VMASNicki Minaj at the 2018 MTV VMASNicki Minaj at the 2018 MTV VMAsNicki Minaj at the 2018 MTV VMAsMADONNA: Not everyone loved Madonna’s tribute to the Queen of Soul Arentha Franklin. Madonna piled on and we mean PILED on an array of vintage lockets, ethnic tribal jewels a pair of Henri Sillam brown diamond hoops and Lana Jewelry Mambo and crossary necklaces. She’s definitely on a roll with this jewelry look since she started her B-day celebrations.Madonna at the 2018 MTV VMAS Madonna at the 2018 MTV VMASMadonna at the 2018 MTV VMASMadonna at the 2018 MTV VMAS

Source: Getty Images