HALPERN: There’s always magic when Michael Halpern joins forces with jewelry designer Lynn Ban. Take the example of last year’s FW18 collection that consisted of Ban’s multicolored diamond hoop earrings and signature chevron rings. This year Lynn took it up a notch as models sported huge juicy colorful oblong gemstone rings surrounded by a pave border of either contrasting or complimentary diamonds. PORTS 1961: It’s clear that Natasa Cagalj has a fascination with texture as the creative director turned to hair extensions in different shades of color to create Ports’ tassel earrings and pendant necklaces.
TOGA: Seeing the jewels at Toga’s RTW FW19 collection reminded us of mini kinetic works of art. Colorful cascades of circular palettes shaped into tassel brooches, earrings and bracelets designed by founder Yasuko Furuta not only added movement but created an interesting embellishment detail as well.
Source: Getty Images/Now Fashion.com
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